The brand-new Dead by Daylight spin-off game The Casting of Frank Stone is finally out. While we are still working on our review of the game, that hasn’t stopped us from replaying the game to find all of the collectibles.
In this game, you’ll come across three sets of artifacts, twelve trinkets, and my personal favorite collectible, the Relliks. These are adorable “plushies” of iconic Dead by Daylight killers.
One of the best additions in Frank Stone is the Cutting Room Floor feature. Rather than having to replay the entire game just to search for a missed collectible near the end of the game, you can now restart from certain scenes in every chapter. This makes achievement hunting so much easier and way more enjoyable.
Enough rambling – read on to find all the rellik locations in The Casting of Frank Stone. Or, if you’re a visual learner, watch our video:
Where to Find all the Relliks in The Casting of Frank Stone:
You can find the first Rellik in the Mill’s storm drain. After you pry open the grate and jump down into the storm drain, follow the yellow signs leading to the furnace room. Eventually, you’ll reach a crawl space. Instead of crawling through, turn to your right and vault over some horizontal pipes. Here, you’ll see the Hillbilly’s Rellik in the mud.
When you arrive at the manor house, head upstairs and pick up the piece of paper on the table at the top of the stairs. Music players will recognize this as the iconic four notes of the Dead by Daylight theme.
Still on the second floor, head to the room on the left with the grand piano. Interact with the piano, and Madi will play the DBD theme, and open up a secret passageway in the room. Go down the hidden staircase that opened up, and you’ll find the Huntress rellik in the room at the bottom.
You’ll find Chapter 3’s rellik in the Curiosity shop (which is full of DBD easter eggs including the Huntress’ mask and the Wraith’s weapon). Once the shopkeeper lets you in, head to the cashier’s counter and continue down the small “passageway” on the right side. You’ll find the Trapper rellik in the corner.
While there aren’t any relliks in Chapter 4, Chapter 5 makes up for it by having 2 relliks.
Once the group has reached the storm drain of the mill, follow Robert until you see an opening in the brick wall on your left. Squeeze through, and you’ll find the Wraith in the mud straight ahead.
Continue playing through Chapter 5 until you have to use the camera to film the greenish light coming from the mud. Once you regain control of Chris, explore the room until you find some double doors leading to the Casting Foundry.
Looking straight at the double doors, head to the passageway on the right. Continue straight, until you have to crouch beneath a hole in the wall. After crouching through, you’ll then find the Clown rellik on the left hand side of the room.
Once Stan accidentally opens the upper area of the manor house, head upstairs to the top floor. On the left corner of the room between the chairs and the bookshelf, you’ll find the Legion rellik on the floor.
After Madi finds Chris in the portal, you play as Linda again. Explore with Sam until you find the film archives room, which contains various versions of Murder Mill. On the path between the second and third shelf on the left, the Nurse Rellik is on the floor in the darkness.
As you are navigating the storm drain you’ll eventually pass through a long crawl space. Once you have stood back up, head to your left until you see two doors. The right door is locked, but the left door opens to another crawl space. Follow this, and you’ll end up in the locked room. Looking towards your left, you need to move the metal plate against the wall and enter into Stone’s nest. You’ll find the Doctor rellik in the cage in the room.
When you’re in the room with the Trickster music box, open the book that is opposite the bed. Turn to the second page, causing the key to the music box to fall on the floor. Activating the music box will open a secret passageway in the room. Continue down the stairs and once you open the door, turn to your left to find a corridor (opening the door to your right will progress to the next scene). Continue down this hallway to locate the Twins Rellik on a table.
You can find the 10th Rellik in the storm drain playing as Sam. Follow the main path until you have to use the camera to fight the Frank Stone in ghost form. Then, look out for a vaultable wall to your right. Continue down the pathway for a short while, and you’ll see the Spirit rellik to your right.
As you’re walking through the forest as Lin, you can either go towards the campfire or turn right and head towards a mysterious door. Walk through the door, and you can find the Trickster Rellik on the ground.
When you are walking through the forest, you will encounter several flashbacks about how the crew dealt with the aftermath of the attacks in the Mill. Eventually, you’ll reach a point where you can either continue forward towards the campfire or turn right and head towards a mysterious door in the middle of the path. Go right and walk through the door, and you’ll see the Trickster rellik on the ground.
Fortunately, the final Rellik is by far the easiest one to find. As the post-credits scene plays, the camera will pan over to the final Rellik, the Champion. I’m guessing this will be Frank Stone’s killer name when he inevitably enters into the Fog (hopefully sooner rather than later).
And there you have it, all the Rellik locations in the Casting of Frank Stone. Keep an eye out, as we’ll be creating guides for the locations of the trinkets and artifacts shortly! Thanks for reading.