How to Use the Voodoo Doll in Phasmophobia

Jay DaviesGuidesDecember 19, 2024

Phasmophobia is one of the most popular multiplayer horror games online with its immersive ghost-hunting gameplay and eerie atmosphere. One of the game’s most unique features is the cursed objects that are hidden in set spawns around the maps. 

All of the cursed objects in Phasmophobia have different abilities to aid or punish the player who uses them. In this article, we will explore the mechanics behind the Voodoo Doll in Phasmophobia, including how it can help players identify the ghost type.

How Does the Voodoo Doll Work?

Every time you interact with the Voodoo Doll, you will pull a random pin from the doll’s body. There are ten pins in the Voodoo Doll at the start of the contract.

When you pull a pin from the Voodoo Doll, the ghost will carry out a random ghost interaction, and you will lose 5% of your sanity. 

Unfortunately, like with all cursed possessions in Phasmophobia, there comes a big downside. If the random pin pulled is the pin in the heart, it will trigger a cursed ghost hunt and drain 10% of your sanity. 

What Interactions Can the Voodoo Doll Cause?

Pulling a pin out of the Voodoo Doll causes a random ghost interaction. Below is a list of the most common ghost interactions:

  • Phones ringing
  • Radios turning on and off
  • Fuse box turning on or off
  • Musical instruments playing
  • A rocking chair moving by itself
  • A grandfather clock chiming
  • Paintings or pictures falling off the wall
  • Items being thrown
  • Car alarms being set off
  • TVs turning on or off
  • Computer monitors turning on or off
  • Showers turning on or off
  • Lights turning on or off
  • Knocking on mirrors or windows
  • Mannequins rotating or teleporting
  • Candles/firelights being blown out
  • The ghost touching an object and leaving behind fingerprints
  • The ghost using the ghostwriting book

Why Should You Use the Voodoo Doll?

The Voodoo Doll is one of the cursed objects that drains the least sanity, making it a relatively safe tool to use. Its main benefit is forcing the ghost to interact with its surroundings, which can help you gather evidence—especially when dealing with ghosts that are hesitant to do much (looking at you, Shades).

For instance, the ghost might write in a ghost writing book or knock on a window, leaving a fingerprint. Additionally, ghost interactions trigger EMF readings. If EMF Level 5 is one of the ghost’s evidences, there’s a 25% chance the interaction caused by the Voodoo Doll will result in an EMF-5 reading.

The Voodoo Doll is also handy for pinpointing the ghost’s location. When used, the ghost performs an interaction at its current location on the map. If you hear something being thrown or turned on, you can head to that area to continue your investigation further.

Other Information on the Voodoo Doll

If you use the Voodoo doll with less than 5% sanity, all the pins will be pushed in (including the heart pin), guaranteeing a cursed hunt. 

You cannot use the Voodoo Doll if all ten pins have been pulled, or if the heart pin has been pulled. 

On normal difficulties (i.e. not insanity or custom difficulty), the Voodoo Doll has a 1 in 7 chance of spawning as the cursed possession. To see the spawn locations of the Voodoo Doll on every map, check out our other guide. 

Taking a 3-star photo of the Voodoo Doll will earn you $5 (and 5XP). Check out our photo rewards guide for information on earning XP and money through photos in Phasmophobia.

Thanks for reading our guide on the Voodoo Doll in Phasmophobia. If you’re learning about the different cursed possessions in the game, also take a look at our guides on the Monkey Paw and the Summoning Circle.

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