A Guide to the Secret Room in The Outlast Trials

Topher KammGuidesMarch 18, 2024

If you’re looking to earn the top grade in The Outlast Trials, a great way to improve your chances is by locating the secret room. The secret room is also referred to as the Confidential room and the “gift room”, and is full of some of the best items in the game that can only spawn inside the secret room. So, let’s take a look at how to find the secret room, and what items may lie within.

How to Find the Secret Room in The Outlast Trials

During the main trials (e.g. Kill the Snitch, Grind the Bad Apples, etc.), one secret room should randomly spawn somewhere on the map. For the MK challenges, there unfortunately isn’t a secret room.

Whilst exploring the map and completing objectives, look out for a locked door that says “Confidential”. I’ve seen the secret room spawn in a huge variety of places during the trials, so it’s hard to pinpoint set spawn locations as it feels like it can spawn anywhere on the map.

What the secret room looks like

To open the secret room, you need to press the two rectangular blue buttons that are located near to the Confidential door. In single-player, if you press these buttons within a set amount of time (I’m not sure how long but around 20 seconds or less), then the secret room will unlock. For multiplayer, two players need to hold down the two buttons at the same time.

Button to open the secret room in outlast trials
One of the blue rectangular buttons to open the secret room door

Entering inside, you’ll find a whole bunch of goodies that will make this short side quest well worth your time.

What Items Can Spawn in the Secret Room

I teased earlier that some of the best items in the game can spawn in the Confidential room. So, what are they?

1. The Master Key

The Master Key is a reusable version of the lockpick, which can instantly open locks and circumvent the lock-picking mini-game.

The master key in the Outlast Trials
Holding the Master Key in The Outlast Trials

2. The Health Booster

When used, the health booster will not only restore all your health, but it will give you an extra health bar. This definitely is useful at harder difficulties where the enemies hit really hard.

Holding the health booster in The Outlast Trials
The health booster

3. The Battery Booster

The battery booster will fully restore the battery of your night-vision, and extend your total battery capacity. 

The battery booster in the Outlast Trials
The battery booster

4. The Stamina Booster

The stamina booster fully restores your current stamina, and will give you an extra stamina bar. While the stamina bar is invisible to players, you can definitely feel the difference during a chase.

The stamina booster in the Outlast Trials
The stamina booster

There are the four items that can only spawn in the secret room, so keep your eyes out for that locked door with the big “Confidential” written on it. These items can make a difference when trying to escape the trial or earn an A+.

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