It’s official! The Texas Chainsaw Massacre Game has finally released on 18th August 2023!
When starting out as a victim, it’s pretty tricky to get your head around how to actually escape the map. Especially when 3 blood-thirsty family members are chasing you down.
This guide will break down the 4 different escape routes – these apply to every map.
However, each map has varied spawn locations and structures, so it will be up to you for now to explore and find these key items.
The escape routes are classified as:
- The road exit
- The rear gate exit
- The valve exit
- The fuse box exit
Please bear with us as we update this article. The game has just released, and so we will continue to add further information for the newest Gas Station map throughout the weekend.
So, let’s get into every way to escape in the Texas Chainsaw Massacre Game!
Escaping the Basement
The first thing that all victims need to do is find a way out of the basement. There are multiple locked blue doors (shown below), and these are you way out of the basement into the rest of the house.
Find an unlock tool to open these doors. Once they are opened, grandpa will activate, and the family members will be alerted of your daring basement escape.
It is useful to gather necessary resources whilst in the basement before leaving. Leatherface is the only family member allowed in the basement, as he starts the match there with you. Once the basement door is opened however, all the other family members are free to enter the basement.

The Road Exit
The road exits are pretty easy to spot. On the family house map, it’s the large open stretch in the front of the house.
However, it’s not so easy to escape, as the family members will electrify the cattle grid along the gate. This will stun you if you try to pass through.
If the way out is electrified, follow the cable leading away from the exit.
This should lead you to a generator which is electrifying the grid. The generator is always located in the exterior area of the map.

You can interact with the generator (by kicking it) to turn it off. Your path to the exit should be clear – minus any potential family members.
Use this time to escape, as the family members will be able to re-electrify the gate after a short cool-down.
The Rear Gate Exit
The rear exits are identified by large gate posts, as is shown in the picture below. They are located in the rear area of the map (usually near a bunch of cars).

The exit gate will need to be unlocked using an unlock tool.
Once the gate is open, you might find that the family members have electrified a cattle grid which is blocking the escape route. You will be knocked back and stunned if you try to pass through.
Don’t fret. Follow the yellow cable connected to the cattle grid. This will lead you to a car battery located in the back of a nearby car.

Interact with this battery to disable the electricity. The exit will now be open for you.
Make sure to hurry, as the family members can reconnect the battery and electrify the exit after a short cooldown.
The Valve Exit
The valve exit is a large gate on the outdoor part of each map. It cannot open without the pressure valve pump being activated.
To turn on the pressure valve, you first need to find the valve handle. The valve handle is randomly located on each map.

The pressure valve pipe is usually located in the outdoor part of the map and looks like a water pump.
You then take the valve handle to the pressure valve pipe.

After you attach the valve handle and turn it to open the valve, the valve exit gate will open for a short period of time.
Use this time to find the valve exit and escape. Otherwise, the family members can turn off the pressure valve, and close the gates.

Plus, if you take too long, the gate will close by itself as the pressure decreases.
The Fuse Box Exit
The final way to escape is through the fuse box exit.

The fuse box exit is always located in the basement. It is easily indicated by the light besides it.
To open this exit, you need to find the fuse and place it into the fuse box.
The fuse randomly spawns virtually anywhere on the map. The fuse box always spawns above ground (i.e. not in the basement).
Now, break open the fuse box with a tool. Once open, you have to complete a small minigame to complete the repair process.

The minigame is fairly simple. You need to add the numbers on the row to equal the AMP value shown below it. For example, if the AMP value is 10, you could use the 9 and 1, or 8 and 2, etc. This needs to be done with both rows.
Once this minigame is completed, the power will be restored and the basement exit will open for a short period of time. Similar to the valve exit, the door will shut if you take too long, so make sure to hurry.
There you have it, all 4 ways to escape in the Texas Chainsaw Massacre Game.
So far, the spawns feel completely random outside of the specifications given by the game. For example, the fuse box is always upstairs, and the generators are outside.
We will update this article as more spawn locations are discovered. Hopefully this guide has been helpful to get your head around the different escape routes. Enjoy playing the game!