The Kidnap is the newest game from developers Chilla’s Art, the creators of fantastic Japanese horror games such as The Closing Shift and Parasocial. Whilst the story only takes around 2 hours to complete, there are still 9 achievements which you can earn.
This guide will walk you through how to get all the achievements in The Kidnap, and also how to get all the different endings (as they each have their own achievement).
Conversationalist is probably the easiest achievement in the game. All you have to do is talk to all your classmates at school.
However, there is one way to mess up this achievement. If you do your cleaning task first, some of the classmates will go home, not letting you talk to all of them. As such, you should talk to all the classmates first before getting your chores done.
Whilst chatting to your classmates, keep an eye out for patron cards, for the completionist achievement. There’s 15 cards that you need to pick up to earn this achievement. Here’s how to find all the patron cards in The Kidnap.
You can find 6 out of 15 cards inside the school. They are located:
Card 1: In the desk of the classmate at the front of the classroom
Cards 2, 3 and 4: There’s 3 cards inside the lectern by the blackboard at the front of the classroom.
Card 5: Hiding besides the stairs going to the 2nd floor.
Card 6: In a shoe shelf at the left-most side of the room (before you leave the school).
The rest of the patron cards can be found on your walk home.
Card 7: Immediately after leaving school, turn right and check the phone booth. Here you can find the 7th patron card.
At the park, you can find 3 more patron cards whilst playing hide and seek with your friends (before the kidnapper tries to play as well).
These are located:
Card 8: In the wooden gazebo.
Card 9: At the top of the slide.
Card 10: On the blue chair behind the bench with all your backpacks.
Once you have run away from the creepy man at the park, you will reach the bus stop.
Card 11: Inside the bus shelter on the left bench. That’s card number 11.
Card 12: Before reaching the store, climb up the stairs to the monument.
There are two cards at the shop – one inside and one outside.
Card 13: Outside the shop, the card is partially underneath the vending machine.
Card 14: Inside the store, the patron card is on the shelf near to where the strange man is standing.
Card 15: And finally, we’re onto the final card. It’s inside the garbage ‘shelter’ right before the three-way junction where you split up with your friends.
The Pop ‘em All achievement can be tricky – as there’s a time limit for this one. You can earn this achievement during the sequence of the game where the clown has entered your house, by popping all of the balloons.
There are balloons pretty much everywhere in the house – including the kitchen, the living room, and the rooms upstairs. You can pick up the spiked ball and throw it at the balloons to pop multiple at a time.
Once you have been kidnapped, you can earn the other 6 achievements. The easiest one is Police Here. All you have to do is choose to listen to your sister and remain at the kidnapper’s house (rather than try to escape).
After a few days, the police arrive at the house to save you and your sister. Unfortunately, this is not a good ending, and soon enough your neglectful mother arrives to pick you up from the police station. As you return home, your mother berates you and your sister for being too difficult and abandons you both again.
If you decide to instead escape the kidnapper’s house – as most players probably do – you can earn the Memopad and Attic achievements.
To earn the memopad achievement, you need to read the kidnapper’s diary. The diary is located in the kidnapper’s room on the first floor, on top of a box in the closet. It’s a rather sad read, as you learn of the kidnapper’s rough upbringing.
Prepare to get jumpscared to earn the Attic achievement. In the downstairs room where you find the battery, a strange figure will appear in the corner when you pick up the battery.
If you approach the place where the figure disappeared, you can climb into the attic. Once you have climbed into the attic, you earn the achievement. If you venture around the attic, you can find a dead body, and the ghost of the kidnapper’s mother will jumpscare you! Beware…
You can get the final 3 achievements once you have escaped the kidnapper’s house.
As you are riding your bike, you will have to choose one of three options – go straight, left, or right.
If you choose to continue straight or turn right, you will arrive at the home of one of your male friends. Whilst they help you escape from the kidnapper in the short term, the ending is ultimately the same as Police Here. Your mother will pick you and your sister up from the police station and abandon you both again once you get home. This earns you the very excitingly named achievement, Run to Friend’s House (Boys).
The other option is to turn left on your bike. This is the direction of your female friend’s house – but also your house. If you run past your friend’s house and enter your house, you can earn the Run Home achievement.
Unfortunately, because there are no adults there to protect you, the kidnapper will catch up to you, causing a game over.
So, if you were paying attention earlier in the game, your female friend will mention that her mother is a social worker. As such, on your bike you need to choose to go to the left and run to her house.
In this ending, you and your sister are put into foster care, and finally seem happy. Unfortunately, your mother will catch wind of this, and come to the foster house to force you both to return home.
Whilst in the car, she berates you and your sister, before deciding to confront the kidnapper. During this argument, the kidnapper ends up killing your mother. Although your sister collapses to the ground and starts crying, the camera pans up your character to reveal a smile. This ending earns the achievement Bye.
It is arguably the best ending in the game, as it’s the only ending that your character Renya is free from the abuse and neglect of his mother.
And there we have it – all 9 achievements in Chilla’s Art: The Kidnap. We hope that you found this guide useful and are able to 100% the game. If you’re playing any other horror games, check out all the guides that we have written here at Horror Game News.