How to Find Freezing Temperatures in Phasmophobia Guide

Freezing temperatures is one of the 7 evidences in the hit ghost-hunting game Phasmophobia. Whilst it’s certainly not the trickiest evidence type to identify, there are still some tricks you want to have up your sleeve.

Plus, you might need a little refresher after August’s Ascension update. The developers revamped the temperature mechanics, changed the ‘cold breath’ and introduced 2 new thermometers.

This short guide will explain the freezing temperatures evidence type, including:

How to Identify Freezing Temperatures in Phasmophobia

As of August 2023, the freezing temperatures evidence type can only be identified by using a thermometer.

Previously, you could also determine freezing temperatures with the ‘cold breath’, but this has been altered.

The evidence itself is fairly simple to explain. If the thermometer reading is in the negative, then the evidence will be freezing temperatures. How simple!

But, if your thermometer appears to be stubbornly stuck around the 1-2-degree mark, it’s unlikely that the evidence is freezing temperatures.

Of course, you can’t use the thermometer in just any room in the house. You can discover freezing temperatures in the ghost’s favourite room (also referred to as the ghost room).

Even if the evidence isn’t freezing temperatures, the ghost will still lower the temperature in its favourite room. It just will never go below zero.

This makes the thermometer (especially tier 2 and 3) a great tool to determine the ghost’s favourite room. Just look for a room where the temperature is lower than the rest of the map.

What does the Cold Breath Signify

Previously, the visible cold breath in Phasmophobia was an indicator of freezing temperatures. It was easy to spot, as you didn’t even need an evidence item!

However, August 2023’s update changed this. The breath now just indicates that the temperature in the room is below 7 degrees.

Even though the breath no longer gives you evidence, it still remains a good signifier of the ghost room, as the ghost will cool down its favourite room.

Do note that – depending on the map and weather – there are different base temperatures. As such, playing a map during the snow weather will make all the rooms in the house colder than at sunset.

What’s the Difference Between the 3 Tiers of Thermometers?

Another addition in the Ascension update was item tiers. Now, each item has 3 tiers – ranging from old-timey accessories to state-of-the-art equipment.

The thermometer is no different.

Tier 1 is an old-fashioned mercury thermometer. As in real life, it takes quite some time for the liquid mercury to shift to an accurate reading. This means it’s best to just throw it down in the ghost room and wait a minute to see the temperature.

Tier 1 Thermometer in Phasmophobia

The tier 2 thermometer is electronic. It is unlocked at tier 36. Its reading only takes a few seconds which his far faster than tier 1. The tier 2 thermometer does have some fluctuation in readings, but it’s fairly accurate. You shouldn’t have any trouble finding freezing temperatures with this thermometer.

Tier 2 Thermometer Phasmophobia

Finally, the tier 3 thermometer is a huge improvement to tier 2. It’s unlocked at tier 64. It gives readings at double the speed with higher accurate. Even though it’s just a few seconds difference, you can definitely feel the difference.

Tier 3 Thermometer in Phasmophobia

Overall, the different tiers of thermometers don’t have too much difference. The main benefit of upgrading is the speed of the reading. Other items such as the EMF and salt certainly have much larger benefits from their tier 3 counterparts.

What Ghosts are affected by Temperature

The only ghost that has altered behaviour due to temperature is the Hantu. The Hantu moves quicker during hunts in cold temperatures, and slower when it’s warmer.

If you can listen out for the speed of the ghost’s movement during a hunt, a change of speed mid-hunt might indicate that it’s a Hantu.

The Hantu’s ghost room will also be colder than usual, and it’s twice as likely to turn the fuse box off. When the fuse box is off, the temperature will decrease.

Overall, this short guide has gone over all the key information to help you find the freezing temperatures evidence type.

Remember that each ghost only has 3 evidence types. So if your thermometer isn’t giving you the readings that you want, just put it down and try to find one of the other 6 evidence types.

And, make sure you are familiar with how to use the monkey paw and voodoo doll cursed possessions in Phasmophobia. You definitely don’t want to get those wrong.